Scrittori del Novecento
Illustrations for Book series for "Scrittori del Novecento",
published by La Nuova Frontiera Junior,
represented by Phileas Fogg Agency .

"Italo Calvino - Lo scoiattolo della penna" written by Giorgio Biferali • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.

"G.T. di Lampedusa - Il Gattopardo raccontato a mia figlia" written by Maria Antonietta Ferrarolo • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.

"Natalia Ginzburg - Vocazione scrittrice" written by Arianna Di Genova • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.

"Pier Paolo Pasolini - Il poeta corsaro" written by Rossano Astremo • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.

"Elsa Morante - Tra storia e sortilegi" written by Carola Susani • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.

"Primo Levi - La chimica delle parole" written by Paolo Di Paolo • Book cover and many pictures from the interiors.