Gribaudo Editore stories collections
Illustrations for Edizioni Gribaudo stories collections.

 "La magia del Natale" written by Paola Parazzoli • Book cover and an illustration from the interiors.
 "Le più belle storie dell'Antico Egitto" written by Luisa Mattia • Book cover and an illustration from the interiors.
 "Le più belle storie delle Mille e una Notte" written by Fulvia Degl'Innocenti • Book cover and an illustration from the interiors.
 "Le più belle storie dei Re Magi" written by Stefania Lepera • Book cover and an illustration from the interiors.
 "La vita e le avventure di Babbo Natale" written by L.Frank Baum, translation by Stefania Lepera • 
Book cover and an illustration from the interiors.
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